SUBJECTS } MISC } PhD - is it worth?

Sept 6, 2023.

I have tried to put my thoughts on this topic. Let's discuss firrst one - PhD whether it is worth continuing. Totally depends on what is individual’s situation is. Typically it takes between 6–7 years in American reputed universities. Every university has some guidelines, among them a thesis is must with some publications. This is academic requirements. As long as one satisfies academic requirements university awards PhD. However one may not be doing or contributing to something great. Sometimes people do because of they want to get promoted from lecturer to professor etc. Many time people do because they love investigating or research. It can frustrating at time specially when university stops funding and no support from PhD advisors. If you are lucky all things go smoothly, however many a time one finds themselves in very difficult situations, like I had a change of seven advisors and things did not go well, had to drop out after being candidate a thesis away. It does not happen usually in normal circumstances though. Also, a lot depends on university reputation, funding, advisors support, and most importantly are of interest. Keep a fall back option always in case you need to drop out. In Europe however it is more structured and there is timeline usually between 3–5 years. Usually difficult to get into PhD programs for international students. If one gets admitted in Scandinavian universities, my impression is that it may be much smoother as compared to American universities. In America if research is not tied with “Money”, it usually does not consider valuable while in Europe this is not the case. By “Money” I meant that research output whether it can be useful in making money somehow. American universities tend to differentiate on this as well. If research project is not bringing money to university in terms of industrial or government funding etc, it may be harder to finish as American universities stops funding and support. Be careful before you make a decision. One wrong step may cost a LOT!

Now on the second question should I do Masters or continue towards PhD. Once you have tasted the research experience during masters (research focused program), often people have clear idea whether they want to continue or not, however sometimes it may be confusing too. I think, one needs to know first where they want to see themselves 10–15 years future in life. Double Masters or PHD? well what I have seen is people got admission to PhD and due to circumstances they switch back to Masters. People who do not have clear direction they juggle here and there. Sometime people want to change career or advance their education they do second Masters, e.g. MBA etc. PhD trains people mainly for academics. If you like to see yourself as professor it is a good idea. It can be painful at times, depends on research advisors, universities etc. Finances are important as well. American universities are not very good when it comes to finances. Many students drop-out because universities stop funding. European universities are more kind towards students in terms of funding etc. It totally depends what one wants to do. Always remember – Do what you Love, Love what you Do.

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